My Favorite Mosses I LOVE to Use
My Favorite Mosses Since I use mosses and all different forms of natural materials in my wreaths, I thought you might like to see a few of the many types
My Favorite Mosses Since I use mosses and all different forms of natural materials in my wreaths, I thought you might like to see a few of the many types
Are You Alone in Your Business? I certainly was for many, many years. It is SO much more fun when you have help! Most ‘creativepreneurs’ try to run and grow
I love decorating indoors for spring! Transform your winter “blahs” into something beautiful! Each of you has special niches in your home that draw you to them. You’ve made it
My wreath-making expertise was gained in bits and pieces, kinda like twigs. I’ve offered those tidbits to you in the same way: in bits and pieces. So… My twig tip for today
I know it’s only the middle of January, but it’s not too soon to be thinking about spring. GET READY!! Start looking at flower stems. Go to your local craft
Well, we made it through another year and now 2018 is upon us. If you’re like me, you’re refreshed, ready for a new start—almost like a blank slate (or empty
Most of you know me as the lady behind Ladybug Wreaths. You may have even read my book or followed my blog posts as I’ve shared my journey through fibromyalgia.
“Nancy, Just have to tell you how thrilled I was to openthe package from you to find the wreath (Frosty the Snowman) more beautiful than anticipated!
We presented it to my mother in law who also is raving about it. She had no idea that is wasn’t real and is now lamenting that she threw out the box!
Thank you much – you are very talented and blessed with a very good eye! Happy Holidays to you and yours.”
Pam Dawber (Mindy of “Mork & Mindy”)
(Pam is married to Mark Harmon of NCIS)
Are You Alone in Your Business? I certainly was for many, many years. It is SO much more fun when you have help! Most ‘creativepreneurs’
God Has Been Leading My Steps My Entire Life! Ladies contact me sometimes saying they have tried selling online, but it must not be for
YIPPEE! Newest “Secret Vendor List” Update — Save Money With Revision 4! Note From Nancy We Never Know When God Will Open Another Door!
I know it’s only the middle of January, but it’s not too soon to be thinking about spring. GET READY!! Start looking at flower stems.
Wreath Making Guide
Learn about the tools you must have to get the best results.